Monday, October 17, 2005

Title Card

Usually when making an animated film,you work on the scenes that are most important first(I think)and not necessarily in the order that they are in. After saying that,I don't know why I started working on the title card first.It is so unimportant compared to the rest of the film,but I guess it's better than nothing.
So here it is,it's just a rough color comp.
I hope to have it finished boarded soon.I am also working on a series of short vignettes,to use as motivation for me, as well as examples to show the layout class I'm teaching.I hope to post them up soon.
Either way ,I really need to get on the ball and just get crap done.
The title means..."A shadow to love in return"....awwwwww.........whatever.

Friday, September 16, 2005

The Best Friend A Boy Could Ever Have

Im not sure anyone could ever understand how I felt about my dog.Maybe some do,others might not.But if you did know me ,or can relate,you will understand that no words could ever describe how I feel,or the bond and friendship I had with my best buddy,pongo.
He will always be with me.

Monday, August 01, 2005

It Starts

These are just some character sketches for a little short film(very short)Im doing ,just to start the animation ball rolling.I hope to animate stories and characters that are a little more interesting.But its a start.
These designes are a result of a lot of outside inspiration.You might see a little Hewlett or some of the style there doing in france(namely from the gobelins school),and from the cool art I see posted in the forums.Its hard to escape the influences.Im sure in the future you'll see all the other influences I have.Anyway,here they are.