These are just some character sketches for a little short film(very short)Im doing ,just to start the animation ball rolling.I hope to animate stories and characters that are a little more interesting.But its a start.
These designes are a result of a lot of outside inspiration.You might see a little Hewlett or some of the style there doing in france(namely from the gobelins school),and from the cool art I see posted in the forums.Its hard to escape the influences.Im sure in the future you'll see all the other influences I have.Anyway,here they are.
Hey Jim,
Your sketches are great. I have been trying to post a reply here but havent been able to for some reason so just wanted to try this. Thanks for your post in my blog as well. Its nice to know anyone is even looking at the site there. I will keep checking in on your site here as well to give a nudge of encouragement. Good luck with your short, cant wait to see more.
Looking good Jimmy! Get that short done!
Must see more!!! You gotta blow these up man. Such great drawings. Keep em coming.
I like your stuff - very inspiring. Thanks for sharing! Are you going to post more?
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